- This animated anthology brings together a new wave of animation stars to take you on a wildly entertaining ride into Africa's future. Inspired by the continent's diverse histories and cultures, these action-packed sci-fi and fantasy stories present bold visions of advanced technology, aliens, spirits and monsters imagi…
- The original band of brothers as they navigate Sheffield and its crumbling healthcare, education and employment sectors, exploring the brighter, sillier and more humane way forward where communal effort can still triumph over adversity.
- 《速度与激情》要拍动画片了,梦工厂和Netflix将打造一部《速激》动画剧集,是梦工厂电视和网飞合作项目的一部分,聚焦真人电影中范·迪塞尔饰演的Dom的表亲——Tony Toretto,和Dom一样,还是个青少年的Tony和他的朋友们被美国政府招募,计划渗透进一个精英赛车联盟,去调查一个暗中想要统治世界的罪恶组织。Tim Hedrick(《战…