搜索 Groom

  • When a new teacher arrives at school he finds students that are extremely well behaved and soon uncovers a special class of very young children forming a hive mind, keeping the students and teachers calm and focused with murderous results.
  •   嫁富翁杀富翁  A round-up of stories about marriages that end with one spouse murdering the other
  •   这天在扬州城有两个小姐同时出嫁了,一个是城中富商的小姐杜冰雁(李琳 饰),一个是城中武师的女儿李玉湖(黄奕 饰)。两位小姐都有着外人看似美满的姻缘,冰雁将嫁给柳州巨商齐府的三公子齐天磊(聂远 饰),而玉湖将嫁给当朝的重臣袁不屈(师小红 饰)大将军,但其中的苦水只有她们自己知道。齐天磊体弱多病,为了冲喜才赶着完成婚事;而…