搜索 Rageh

  •   仓下月海(花泽香菜 饰)是个不折不扣的宅女。而她的主攻方向还是颇为冷门的水母。梦想成为插画家的月海来到了东京,住进了女生宿舍天水馆。天水馆里面住的全部是宅女,她们各有各的萌点和爱好。管理员千绘子(齐藤贵美子 饰)喜欢做人偶;玛雅雅(冈村明美 饰)则是个三国爱好者;邦巴则 热衷铁道;吉吉(能登麻美子 饰)则是中老年男性控…
  •   It was the world's last Islamic empire - a super-power of a million square miles. From its capital in Istanbul it matched the glories of Ancient Rome. And after six centuries in power it collapsed less than a hundred years ago. Rageh Oma…