- The journals of a true NASA Arctic expedition unveils the adventure of a six-man crew's aboard an experimental vehicle designed to prepare the first human exploration of Mars. A voyage of fears and survival, hopes and dreams, through the beauties and the deadly dangers of two worlds: the High Arctic and Mars, a planet …
- 天生丽质、但却不矫揉造作的女孩Stella在失业8次,并失去所有后,去当了一名高级的应召女郎。而她的第一个case就是被塞在蛋糕里,送给了一个飞机安全设备制造的英年才俊,又帅又有钱,就是少年时受到飞行员父亲出事的阴影,不愿向外人流露感情。他们因为在船上,只好呆在一起四个星期。其间,Stella也为了装扮成他的女朋友,而改头换面成为众人…