Sebastian, an up-and-coming Mexican actor, seems to have it all until he is thrown back into the tortuous world of dating, only to realize he has zero dating "game". Forced into the arms of his crew of leftover best bros, he di…
Sebastian, an up-and-coming Mexican actor, seems to have it all until he is thrown back into the tortuous world of dating, only to realize he has zero dating "game". Forced into the arms of his crew of leftover best bros, he di…
本片故事取材于1984年加拿大家喻户晓的经典电影《La Guerre des Tuques(阻止战争的狗)》,本片在30年前上映时曾轰动一时,在全球超过125个国家上映,获得18种全球奖项。《冰雪大作战》还是首部引入中国的加拿大动画片,同时也是2015年加拿大本土制作的 电影票房冠军。 电影讲述一群生活在加拿大小镇的孩子,在寒假来临时,为了打发无聊…
马里奥(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 配音)和路易吉(查理·戴 Charlie Day 饰)是生活在布鲁克林的两名水管工,他们刚刚成立了自己的小公司,但很显然,他们的家人并不完全支持兄弟两人的这份事业。某日,在工作中,马里奥和路易吉被水管吸入到了一个光怪陆离的世界之中,两人在旅途中被迫分开,马里奥来到了由桃花公主(安雅·泰勒-乔伊 A…
After a spectacularly botched spook show, Hui Buh receives a plea for help from the young witch Ophelia. She is trying to keep a powerful spell-book out of the hands of the ruthless witch Erla.